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Regulation Matic Tune Up Race 130cc Open Latest updates

Regulation Matic Tune Up races open current 130cc

1. the weight of the Vehicle:-135 Kg (with Air-conditioner) Radiator free
-Radiator 140 kg (with water cooling)
2. engine capacity 130cc, provision of free will but Bore stroke, cannot bereplaced
3. Piston must dig up anti-free with conditions, the Piston should not use this type of racing with 2 rings
4. Compression-free
5. Maybe ported cylinder head, Poland & Store
6. the number of valves 2, A.k.a. the size 28 mm Max
7. Valve Spring (per valve) for free
8. mechanical Propulsion system valves must be in the original (or rockerarm/shim under bucket)
9. each layer is clutch for free
10. the Camshaft-free
11. the Bowl coupling std but may be modified in accordance with CVT clutch
12. A CVT-free
13. free Roller
14. Home-free Roller CVT
15. a belt CVT-free
16. Max 28 mm Carburetor Size
17. Neck carburetor (Manifold) for free
18. filter-free Home
19. Harga Helm, free
20. the Magnet must be changed only STD pickup sensor. The magnets should not be outside of turner and stone magnet
21. the ignition system should not change from ac to dc or dc to ac
22. pulser Coil, ignition may be modified or replaced
23. the spool becomes off
24. Original STD fan and the fan must be installed and must be installed
25. the mandatory Indotire Ban
26. UkuranVelg Std (front: rear: 160, 185) but may use aluminum
27. free disk Size
28. the brake Hose-free
29. free Muffler
30. appropriate road connections with the original and perhaps dimodif.
31. free gear Transmission
32. aprons must be installed in accordance with the original default screen, unless the materials are made of metal and glass to be removed, Stirrups, stdstandard standard side foot step 2 will be deleted
33. Light bulbs will be removed.
34. the fuel must be gas Stations for sale
35. Compulsory helmet INK or type of Harga Helm KYT

So keep Visiting web Bengkel Uhuy !!
Adrians Motor 1/20/2017 11:23:00 AM

Regulatory standard Matic 130cc race latest update

Regulatory standard Matic 130cc race latest update

1. BeratKendaraan:-135 Kg (with Air-conditioner) Radiator free
-Radiator 140 kg (with water cooling)
2. Capacity 130cc, Bore is provided free of charge but a stroke, cannot be changed
3. Piston replaced free with conditions, the Piston should not use this type ofracing with 2 rings
4. Compression-free
5. Maybe ported cylinder head, Poland & Store
6. the number of appropriate size and A.k.a. std but rods should be replaced
7. Campshaft (hand Noken) free
8. Valve Spring (per valve) for free
9. mechanical Propulsion system valves must be in the original (or rockerarm/shim under bucket)
10. each layer is clutch for free
11. the Bowl coupling std but may be modified to fit the clutch with CVT
12. A CVT-free
13. free Roller
14. free Roller CVT-Home
15. a belt CVT-free
16. Dimensions Harga Karburator Motor Std but default can be modified motor
17. the Intake Manifold can only be changed on the original part of it, should not be held changes direction, angle, or even change the length of the manifold
18. filter-free Home
20. the Magnet must be changed only STD pickup sensor. Should not the magnetic outside turner and stone magnet
21. the ignition system should not change from ac to dc or dc to ac
22. pulser Coil, ignition may be modified or replaced
23. the spool becomes off
24. STD Aslinnya fan and the fan must be installed and must be installed
25. the mandatory Indotire Ban
26. the size of the Std Rims (front: rear: 160, 185) but may use aluminum
27. the brake Disc-free Size
28. the brake Hose-free
29. Muffler std looks outside and inside should be modified
30. Std transmission gears
31. appropriate road connections with aslinnya and maybe dimodif.
32. aprons must be installed in accordance with the original default screen, except that it is made of metal and glass materials should be removed, Stirrups,std standard standard side foot step 2 will be deleted
33. Light bulbs will be removed
34. The Mandatory Fuel GAS STATIONS for sale
35. Compulsory helm full face INK and helm KYT
So keep Visiting web Bengkel Uhuy !!
Adrians Motor 1/19/2017 11:22:00 AM

Standard Rules Regulations Update Matic 130 cc

Standard Rules Regulations Update Matic 130 cc

regulatory standards 130cc Matic
a. capacity cc 99 s/d 130 with conditions (free of boring but stroke will not bemodified).
b. Piston should be replaced/free with conditions
me. Piston piston used racing
II. number 3 pcs ring groove with provision 2 pcs 1 pc flow compression and oil flow
III. the Piston may be coated/coating
c. compression-free
d. cylinder Block and cylinder head porting may turner
e. 2 maximum number of valves in accordance with the standard motor.
f. Size valves in accordance with the original
g. Hand Noken/free cam shafts
h. Per free valve
me. Per-free coupling
j. Coupling free
k. Bowl clutch standard but can be modified to fit the canvas copling CVT
b. A CVT-free
m. free Roller CVT
n. Home roller CVT is standard but can be modified
o. Van CVT belt free
p. congenital motor carburetor standard size but can be modified (main nozzlejet, pilot jet, needle and skepticism should be replaced/modified)
q. the Standard carburetor throat and its location should not be changed should only be changed in the
r. air filter housing can be modified or deleted
in Coil-free.
t. Harga CDI  Motor standard 
u. standard Magnets should only be modified pickup sensor/trigger bar. Turner'smagnetic and magnetic parts must not be detachable.
v. ignition system cannot be converted from AC to DC and vice versa
d. ignition Coil pulser may be changed/replaced
x. a fan in the original standards and must be installed as well as the home fansmust be mounted
y. Ban Smoking
z. standard size wheel motor generated default. With the provision of a maximum width of 1.6 inches front and rear wheels to a maximum width of 1.8inches
aa. Disc brake discs measure 280mm
bb. Free brake hose
exhaust standard cc. will form the outside but in the exhaust and the positionmust be changed can be changed or modified in terms of safety
dd. transmission gears/gear CVT standard
ee. Conecting rod form in accordance with the original but may be modified

So keep Visiting web Bengkel Uhuy !!
Adrians Motor 1/18/2017 11:18:00 AM

Regulatory Update Matic Tune Up 130 cc

Regulation 130cc Matic Tune UP
a. capacity cc 99 s/d 130 with conditions (free of boring but stroke correspond tothe originals).
b. Piston should be replaced/free with conditions
me. Piston piston used racing
II. number 3 pcs ring groove with provision 2 pcs 1 pc flow compression and oil flow
III. the Piston may be coated/coating
c. compression-free
d. CRD ylinder ported heads and cylinder blocks may turner
e. 2 maximum number of valves in accordance with the standard motor.
f. inlet valve 28 mm maximum size
g. Hand Noken/free cam shafts
h. Per free valve
me. Per-free coupling
j. Coupling free
k. Coupling Bowl for free
b. A CVT-free
m. free Roller CVT
n. CVT rollers home free
o. Van CVT belt free
p. the size 28 mm carburetor air inlet section
q Free carburetor throat.
r. air filter housing can be modified or deleted
Coil and CDI in.-free
t. the Magnet standards should only be modified pickup sensor/trigger bar. The magnets should not be turner and magnetic parts that can be removed
u. ignition system cannot be converted from AC to DC and vice versa
ignition Coil pulser v. probably changed/replaced
d. standard and original fans must be installed as well as the home fans must bemounted
x. Ban Smoking
y. free rear suspension
z. standard size wheel motor generated default. With the provision of a maximum width of 1.6 inches front and rear wheels to a maximum width of 1.8inches
aa. Disc brake discs measure 280mm
bb. Free brake hose
dd. transmission gears/gear CVT download
ee. Conecting rod form in accordance with the original but may be modified

Everything not listed above will not change.

So keep Visiting Web Bengkel Uhuy !!
Adrians Motor 1/17/2017 05:03:00 AM

Kontroversi Kemunculan New Kawasaki Ninja 250 ABS

PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia hanya akan memasarkan 1.000-1.500 motor Harga Oli, di Indonesia. Calon konsumen pun setelah peluncuran ini masih harus bersabar untuk memilikinya karena produksinya sendiri baru dimulai pada bulan depan.

PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia meluncurkan Oli Mesin Motor yang menggunakan mesin 250 cc di Jakarta.
Walau bermesin 250 cc, postur Ninja RR Mono tidak sebesar Ninja 250. Bentuknya pun lebih ke sport mengingat posisi duduk yang membuat badan rider akan lebih merunduk.

Empat pilihan warna disajikan, yakni warna hijau, merah, dan putih. Ada juga warna kuning sebagai warna baru. Ninja baru ini pun tersedia dengan pilihan rem ABS, dengan pilihan warna merah dan putih.

Baru beberapa waktu yang lalu terindikasi Kawasaki tengah mendaftarkan hak paten atas desain sebuah sport-naked bike-nya. Bertempat di European Union Office, merupakan salah satu 'gerbang' pabrikan otomotif menuju sebuah proses produksi untuk unit terbaru dengan standar atau yang akan beredar di kawasan Eropa.

Ini adalah sosok yang diprediksi sebagai Kawasaki Ninja RR Mono naked atau disinyalir di Eropa akan dinamakan Kawasaki Ninja 250SL. Namun lantaran dokumen terkait belum menyertakan nama produk, ada pendapat lain yang menyebutkan bahwa ini adalah sosok dari calon Kawasaki ER2n.

New Ninja RR Mono ditakdirkan turun ke bumi untuk menggantikan sesepuhnya yakni Ninja RR 150cc 2-tak yang tentu saja sudah sangat tua, bahkan bisa dibilang sudah jadi lansia di segmen sport bike negeri ini. Sebagai sang suksesor, RR Mono hadir dengan konsep desain ramping tetapi tetap ringan dan kencang, sebagaimana alur developmentnya diarahkan ke jalur racing seperti sesepuhnya “Ninja RR 150cc 2-tak”.

Sehingga sang suksesor dianggap gak bakal ganggu market Ninja 250R yang lebih ditargetkan untuk penggunaan sehari-hari. Disisi yang lain, menurut KMI bahwa Ninja RR 150cc 2-tak bakal dihabisi nanti sekitar bulan Juli tahun depan, mengingat regulasi emisi Euro3 dan tingkat kebisingan suara saat ini makin ketat saja. Sedangkan sang suksesor diklaim sebagai model yang benar-benar baru dan bakal diproduksi di pabrik KMI yang baru pula.

Soal desain, Ninja RR Mono mengadopsi desain ramping dari ujung depan sampai belakang, dipadukan dengan desain single headlamp. Selain itu, desainnya juga terlihat lebih kompak dibanding Ninja 250R, berkat penggunaan mesin 250cc dengan set-up single-cylinder. Selebihnya bisa anda nilai sendiri desainnya.

New Kawasaki Ninja RR Mono dijual seharga Rp 39,9 Juta (OTR Jakarta) dan tersedia dalam empat pilihan warna eksterior yang meliputi hijau, merah, putih dan kuning. Untuk varian ABS, KMI menawarkan dua opsi warna yakni merah dan putih. Pengiriman ke pembeli akan dimulai akhir bulan Maret tahun ini.
Adrians Motor 1/16/2017 04:20:00 PM

Is That Gasoline Octane ?

Often we hear people - people talking about octane gasoline, octane booster, octane additives etc.. What is it exactly octane????.
Octane is a number that states the content of iso-octane molecules contained in the fuel. Iso-octane is resistant to compression. The higher the octane rating the better the quality. Low octane gasoline more flammable. The higher the value of the compression on the engine means that require high octane value gasoline. High berkompresi make gasoline engine burns faster (due to high pressure), which would be a problem is, when gasoline burns early before the spark plug sparks.
When the piston up on compression, gas lit earlier than spark plugs, pistons consequences such as being hit hard by the explosion of the combustor. We often hear the term "Ngelitik" (pinging / knocking). Slowly but surely .. make a hollow piston.
Avoid it all choose to fuel your engine compression suit:* Premium 88 octane numbers for motor berkompresi between 7:1 - 9:1* PERTAMAX 92 octane numbers for motor berkompresi between 9:1 - 10:1* Pertamax Plus 95 for the motor octane number berkompresi between 10:1 - 11:1
Most motor current berkompresi above 9:1, but still can be tolerated by the manufacturer to use Premium.
Who issued the octane number???Determinants of the octane number is 2 institutions in America called Research Octane Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON). RON examines using engine on lap 600 rpm and the outside air temperature 125 degrees F (51.6 derjat C) while MON perform at engine speed 900 rpm at a temperature of 100 degrees F (37.8 degrees C). And for pertamax Plus, also has met performance standards "World Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC)
What is octane or octane booster additive that????Octane is the octane booster additive or additives that mix with gasoline to increase octane gasoline for itself. Formerly we know TEL (Tetra Ethyl Lead) to raise the octane gasoline, because lead or TEL or often also called toxic lead harmful to humans, especially to lower the IQ of children - children up to 4 points, so it was replaced with an additive TEL other more environmentally friendly and another great additive that is used by pertamax and pertamax plus also are detergents, which can clean the combustion chamber, valves, carburetors, fuel injection, and can dissolve water content in the vehicle tank, so the tank is free from corrosion.

Thus Workshop Information Make Newbie Bikers Regarding Is That Gasoline Octane ? . Please Visit Previous article How to Mixing Gasoline With Ethanol, Good Work ...
So keep visiting blog !
Adrians Motor 1/15/2017 05:12:00 PM

CAUTION Danger of Driving While BlackBerry Massager

CAUTION Danger of Driving While BlackBerry Massager

Current communication tools such as HP, BlackBerry and kind has become an integral requirement of human beings in modern times.

Well, reduces fatal accidents due to driving while communicating with HP and communication tools like, the government confirms ban the use of HP while driving the vehicle that provisions set forth in Law No. 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Road Transportation.
Unfortunately, in use, we often forget the dangers that threaten it. Especially when you're driving a vehicle.

Article 106 paragraph 1 of Law no. 22 of 2009 mentions when driving the driver must concentrate. Violation of this Article is penalized in Article 283, which contains the threat of up to 750 thousand dollars or imprisonment up to three months.

Preferably, the awareness to not bertelpon while driving is not triggered by the threat of punishment made ​​by the government through Act No. 22 of 2009 was. That realization should arise because of the responsibility, that when driving you are required to maintain full concentration. Due to loss of concentration you will hurt yourself and others!!
"Driving should be prosecuted fully concentrate"

Thus Workshop Information Regarding the CAUTION Dangers of Driving While BlackBerry Massager.  Hopefully Helpful ...

So keep visiting blog !
Adrians Motor 1/14/2017 04:58:00 PM

How to Make JOS Conserve Gasoline

Estrangement effect on the spark plugs in a meeting bakar.Apabila too small to make a fire, and vice versa if the fire is too tenuous tipis.Akibatnya finished gasoline and air mixture does not burn sempurna.Dampaknya ngempos energy and combustion chamber in tumpuki carbon crust.
Estrangement or any motorcycle spark plug gap varies but usually standardize the size of 0.7 mm

Buy plugs do not get one. Select the appropriate spark plug manufacturer recommended specifications. Apabilasalah selected, the motor will not work optimally because the factory recommended engine temperature is not reached or even excessive (too hot)

Example (sorry not a promotion)
Duck 4 stroke plugs: NGK C 7 or C 6 HAS HSA
Denso U 22-U or U FS 20 FS-U

Valve adjustment is needed, because if allowed it would open and close the valve ngawur.Yang will be no smooth supply of fuel mixture and exhaust gases.
If the suction valve closes too fast resulted in a mixture of gasoline and air back to the carburetor. So also if the exhaust valve closes quickly be left behind in the exhaust gases and the combustion chamber will interfere with subsequent combustion process.
Setting the valve should not be too tight, so the hell inginya smoother engine sound. But result in engine overheating and will happen KNOCKING. Usually the valve adjustment ranged from 0.05 to 0.10 mm for suction valve and exhaust valve for 0.08 to 0.13 mm depending on the type of bike.

Dirty air filters cause air supply to the combustion chamber resulting in stunted and gasoline mixture is too rich (incomplete combustion). Finally mbrebet and fuel consumption.
How to clean the air filter is very easy and can be done alone at home. For the type of paper, just spray with a hand pump, if you want to be clean again spray with compressor. For the type of sponge / foam membersihkanya ways to use washing detergent that is non-flammable, after rubbing it in a little oil to resist the entry of dust.

The heart of the kitchen runway is Carburetor. When carburetor rare in the clear will result in not achieving the ideal machine work tariakan usually characterized by severe, difficult to slow, wasteful and ultimately breaking down.
Membersihkanya way: for this one better leave it to the experts that service your bike in authorized service network.

Work choke is to reduce / inhibit air into the engine room bakar.Berfunsi as fishing in the cold in the morning. If the engine is in a state of ideal temperature, as soon as possible choke in off (OFF) again. Little choke function resulting gas mixture to be rich, mbrebet, and Boros gasoline

Adjust the air adjustment screw on the carburetor. Do not arbitrarily set the wind - the wind, if missed!!!! Fuel and air mixture will be too rich or poor that would result in wasteful gasoline.
For this matter the better your bike take to the authorized repair shop.

Penytelan done through adjustment screw on the carburetor. Usually the engine idling at around 1,500 rpm, if it is too high and if the fuel consumption is too low will often die at a time at the traffic light.

Tire pressure can affect fuel consumption. For when the wind is less tires, traction tires will enlarge swipe asphalt. As a result the wheels weight. Engine load increases. Fuel consumption of course. And when excessive air pressure will affect the stability of your vehicle.
Tire air pressure should refer to the recommended / manufacturer specifications and is usually stamped on the lid or on the swing arm chain your bike.

Cylinder head gasket leak, a major impact on compression in the combustion chamber, which will result in inefficient fuel. Please check compression typically range 9-12 Kg/cm2.
Compression leakage can also occur at the valve / valve, the valve is usually hampered by residual carbon impurities incomplete combustion. The solution must be in Skur valve prior to meeting with the valve seat and not leaking.
The most severe leaks are leaks that causes by beret cylinder walls or piston, so it should be oversized.

Leakage can also occur in the exhaust, especially exhaust connections that use the middle or on the gasket (gasket) that is located between the muffler and the cylinder head exhaust.
Why exhaust leak also affected by inefficient fuel, was in because at the time of valve overlap no kick-back so that the mixture of fuel and air borne exhaust. Consequently lackluster power and fuel consumption.

How to know the clutch lining wear or not, with the motor power feel. If the motor has shouted loud (Gas poll) but the motor was not speeding traits - traits clutch lining is worn and should be replaced immediately. If not promptly replaced, the motor would be wasteful because the gasoline motor power is not channeled properly by the clutch.
And for the installation, better bring your bike to the authorized repair shop for replacement of the clutch lining is rather complicated.

13. CHANG THE OIL IN ROUTINE For oil do neko - neko deh, whenever possible use the oil recommended by the manufacturer Such as: SUZUKI GENUINE SUPER SYN OIL or OIL. And oil changes should not exceed 2,500 Km, because it will have an impact on your vehicle's engine. Symptoms usually start engine overheating (overheating) with the engine going KNOCKING or ngelitik, eventually being wasteful consumption of motor gasoline.
Why can overhat machine? it in because of the friction in the engine to be great. Maximum performance and less oil as an engine coolant.

This is usually forgotten by the owner of the motor. Replacement OIL FILTER done every 7500-8000 km or every oil change da enjoined 3x replace OIL FILTER.
Why change the oil filter? Oil filter as filter medium powder - powder (Gram) iron and carbon due to engine metal wear. If the oil filter is not changed regularly, will result in clogged filters and will disrupt the circulation of oil to the engine innards.

Wheels that roll or flashlight can also lead to inefficient use of fuel your motorcycle, because usually wheel rotates one round because it would roll over and the wheels wobble will increase the workload of the engine. Especially on your motorcycle tires plus many tambalannya and near the tire valve, added to - so you deh olengnya.Motor geal - geoljadinya.Untuk this problem, take it to a repairman who set the wheels on the side of the road, mumpung set the wheels, all checked aja What tires in your bike already many tembelanya or still good. If many tembelanya, all wrote in the locker.

Conclusion: Take care of your bike with the motor routine that conditions are always in top shape and is definitely fuel efficient.

Thus Workshop on Information Make Newbie Bikers  Regarding How to Make JOS Conserve Gasoline. Please Visit Previous Article On the Comparison Mixture Air with Gasoline on Motorcycle and Car, Good Work ...

So keep visiting blog !
Adrians Motor 1/13/2017 05:06:00 PM

How To Take Care CHROME remains charming

Currently, many motorcycle - motorcycle or bike looks beautiful for fashion. There is a game that uses paint there also appear shiny like glass walk. Well this time I will discuss motorcycle maintenance is performed and its sleek with chrome prohibition.Chrome treatment - should be on notice, that chrome is not easy to fade or peel.To note in treating chromium metal is an enemy of the acidic water. Chrome layer should avoid acidic water such as rain water, sea water, and the water battery. When exposed to water one of the risks that I mentioned earlier in the layer of rust where the chrome to iron and chrome will flake off when the metal layer to the aluminum. So if one of the chrome exposed to acidic water was immediately wash with clean water and soap. And segerakan to lap up right in - completely dry.And for subsequent treatment if you are in the motor component is difficult for the clean chrome swing arm and wheel like you better put out a little money to buy spray paint in the clear for the components that are difficult to clean. Because metals also have pores - pore like humans, if at closing will reduce menyelinapnya clear water was acidic.The main enemy of the chrome users rainwater. Usually many users underestimate the impact of the water when it rains it is very influential on the durability chrome.Kalau already cultivated some rain washed water use in the home. Once a new rinsed be wiped dry with a cloth using a smooth texture.

If the chrome parts are exposed to rain, so if you do not immediately wash and wipe, the rain water will settle to the chrome, especially on the rim and other parts that are prone to rain. Water that settles it that could make rust on the chrome Anda.Sehebat Whatever its chrome-bound if some rain and baseball would be treated easily corroded and yellow.Moreover, in addition to rapidly washed and wiped down when exposed to rain, things to avoid the rub with a liquid containing chemicals, because it can make your chrome color but not shiny anymore so yellow. Because fluids containing chemicals or abrasive nature easily erode the dilapnya.Itu most people mistakenly. wiped or polished chrome-containing liquid chemical use. Kits like for example, do not try it. Because not so clean or shiny but will actually be yellow.if the chrome is no dirt or grease stains are difficult to clean as it is no alternative to using chemicals. You can clean it with a powder or oil of eucalyptus wood putih.Bedak and much safer than liquids containing chemicals. Nah cepet going yellow.

Thus Workshop Information Make Newbie Bikers On How To Take Care CHROME remains charming, Hopefully useful ...
So keep visiting blog !
Adrians Motor 1/12/2017 05:03:00 PM

How to Care For Durable Tires

How to Care For Durable Tires

After learning How to choose a Good Tires, next is to do the tire terhadan care. Real treat to be durable and safe tires is very easy, but sometimes the little things are often forgotten rider.

"Proper inflation will give comfort"
Here are tips to keep durable Tyre:

1. Always check tire pressure according to the manufacturer required. If necessary, perform the checks every day before leaving.

2. Correct tire filling done in the morning. Because, in the cold temperatures, winds coming is the ideal pressure. If the charge after the vehicle is used, then the pressure will increase due to tire friction with the road surface.

3. We recommend using the wind kind of nitrogen because it tends to help reduce the heat so that the pressure of the wind is ideal.

4. Clean pebbles stuck in between the tread. The gravel if ignored could potentially tear the vehicle. "Because of friction with asphalt, the tires will heat and soften. If the gravel is left will continue to go deeper, ".

5. If the vehicle is rarely used but the tire was stuck for three years, you should do the replacement with new tires. Age of three years for the age of the tire is the maximum because the longer the tire will be more hard and brittle easily.

6. When the vehicle was left in the garage for a long time to go out of town or going home, try the contact between the tire with minimized floor. Because if left too long, steel construction on the tires will not turn into another whole round. This will potentially make the tire bumps and uncomfortable to use. The solution, to use a car jack should be removed and the motor functioning of at least middle standard that is not too heavy tire load-carrying vehicle. (Otocoid)

Thus Workshop Information Regarding How to Care For Durable Tires.Please Visit Previous Article On How to choose a Good Tires, Good Work ...
So keep visiting blog !
Adrians Motor 1/11/2017 01:52:00 PM